Melinda Varian’s Home Page





Birding in India, February-March, 2015

In the Spring of 2015, Lee and I traveled in India (mostly Rajasthan) for three wonderful weeks, sight-seeing and birding:


  1. February 17, 2015, New Delhi
  2. February 18, 2015, New Delhi
  3. February 20, 2015, New Delhi
  4. February 21, 2015, Thar Desert
  5. February 22, 2015, Thar Desert
  6. February 23, 2015, Jodhpur
  7. February 24, 2015, Udaipur
  8. February 25, 2015, Ranthambore and Jaipur
  9. February 26, 2015, Khujarao
  10. February 27, 2015, Sarnath and Varanasi
  11. February 28, 2015, Agra
  12. March 1, 2015, Bharatpur
  13. March 2, 2015, Bharatpur
  14. March 3, 2015, Bharatpur and New Delhi
  15. March 4, 2015, Kanha
  16. March 5, 2015, Kanha
  17. March 6, 2015, Kanha
  18. March 7, 2015, Kanha
  19. March 8, 2015, New Delhi



Narwhal Safari, Nunavut, June, 2013

In June, 2013, I spent an incredible week in the Canadian High Arctic looking for Narwhals and other Arctic wildlife. The following letters were written to share the experience with my husband Lee and our friends:


  1. June 5, 2013, Ottawa
  2. June 6, 2013, Pond Inlet, Nunavut
  3. June 7, 2013, On the Ice, 72° 39’ N, 75° 51’ W
  4. June 8, 2013, On the Ice, 72° 39’ N, 75° 51’ W
  5. June 9, 2013, On the Ice, 72° 39’ N, 75° 51’ W
  6. June 10, 2013, On the Ice, 72° 39’ N, 75° 51’ W
  7. June 11, 2013, On the Ice, 72° 39’ N, 75° 51’ W
  8. June 12, 2013, Pond Inlet, Nunavut
  9. June 13, 2013, Ottawa



Letters for Laxmi’s Science Class

Lee and I traveled in Kenya and Tanzania in September, 2010. When our grand-niece Laxmi’s science teacher heard we were in Africa, she suggested that her classes (in Florida) would enjoy hearing about the animals we were seeing and any observations we made on their ecology. The following letters are the result:


  1. Introducing Aunt Melinda
  2. Primates vs. Thorns
  3. Vervets vs. Leopards
  4. Fur and Ticks
  5. Top Predators
  6. Human Ecology
  7. Of Humans and Primates
  8. The Most Dangerous Animal
  9. On Lions
  10. Getting Your Minerals
  11. The Large and the Small
  12. Lakes of the Great Rift Valley
  13. Avian Biodiversity
  14. Questions and Answers

Also see the slideshow of Lee’s photographs from this trip.



VM History

VM and the VM Community: Past, Present, and Future, revised 08/16/97 I am very grateful to Jim March for having volunteered to digitize the slides used in the 1997 version of VM and the VM Community:

(Word-format documents require Word 2010 or higher.)

The Evolution of The First Commercial Time-Sharing Company, Jim March, 2022

CP/40 — The Origin of VM/370, L.W. Comeau Memoirs, Dave Tuttle Development of 360/370 Architecture: A Plain Man’s View, Jeff Gribbin What Mother Never Told You About VM Service, 1983

VM and the VM Community: Past, Present, and Future
(April, 1991, version with photographs
plus appendices by Les Comeau and Dave Tuttle)



  VMSHARE Archives

Jim March
Jeff Gribbin
Melinda Varian with her MV/370 test system active

The files in LISTING format have ASA carriage control (“FORTRAN carriage control”). On CMS
they should be printed with the “CC” option; on most unix systems they can be printed with “lpr -f”.



CMS Pipelines



CMS Pipelines File Distribution
(Runtime library and papers on Pipes)

John Hartmann's 50th birthday celebration



Other Travel Writings


And see Lee Varian’s photographs



Narina Trogon, our 2000th life bird
September 23, 2010
(Photo courtesy of Connee Peters-Reau)



In Memoriam, James Edward Beard (1962-2004)




Melinda Varian
March 30, 2022